iSeal™ Model 20P/OB-WC

Time Controlled, Open Back, Production Use, Semi-Automatic, Pneumatically Powered Foot Switch Operated Sealers

  • Straight Line Ribbon Seals: widths available:
    1/8", 3/16", 1/4", & 3/8"
  • Cold Wire Cut-Off Trim Seals - optional
  • Unobstructed Sealing Jaws
  • Neat Tight Package
  • Scrap Blow Off - optional
  • Adjustable Automatic Cycle
  • Seal Length Available 9", 14", 20", 24", & 30"
  • Temperature Control - optional
  • Operation At Any Angle 0 - 360 Degrees
  • FDA Compliant White Powder Coat Finish Standard
  • Safe Low Jaw Closing Pressure.


The clear, unobstructed design of these Thermal Impulse Sealers and Trim Sealers provide convenient access to the sealing jaws. The Open Back construction allows feeding the machine from the front or rear so that a neat, tight package can be made. These sealers are particularly suitable for sealing large bulky bags. Another prominent application is lap splicing of short rolls of films to make larger rolls or forming uniterrupted lengths of material for continuous running operations.

Time Control: This time oriented system is standard on all iSeal™ Heat Sealers. Heat and Dwell times are set quickly and easily. This feature permits selection of the proper impulse duration and jaw closed time for a wide range of films of different composition and thickness. All controls are built into the chassis.

Additional Features Available:

Heater Bar on top allows for trouble-free sealing of Tyvek pouches, double-sealed heat for sealing of thick materials or for sealing high temperature matrials such as PTFE, Tedlar, etc.

Wider or Narrower Heater Elements: For special applications.

Water Cooling: ("WC") to make fast consistent quality heat seals.

Blow-Off: (Cold Wire Cut-Off Trim Sealers) Is used to clear the sealing jaws of the trimmed scrap.

Temperature Control: This is recommended when sealing heavy gauge materials on a production basis, or very high temperature materials in the 400ºF and higher range. This system uses a special high response temperature probe located in a second set of simulated sealing jaws to sense the temperature of the heater element. The heat starts when the preset maximum temperature selected is reached. The sealing jaws remain closed, cooling the seal under pressure, until the temperature drops to the preset minimum temperature at which point they open automatically.

Silicone Rubber | Heater Elements | PTFE Fabric & PTFE Tapes
Electrical and Pneumatic Components | Machinery | Sealing Bars and Components
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